Monday, September 8, 2014

New Moments

We had some new activities and routines to try out today!  Our first new routine was getting out our calendar notebooks and using them during calendar time!  It was pretty hard today, but each day will get a little easier as we get used to doing them!  Below is one friend working hard on her calender notebook!
 Our next new routine was getting to do choice time!  The children were very excited for this routine!  They did a great job making choices and cleaning up when they were done!
 Two friends at our discovery tub!
 A friend creating a masterpiece at the art center.
 Two friends enjoying the building center!
 Lots of friends enjoyed going to the block center!

 The playdough center is always a hit!
 I took a quick shot of the projects we completed last week!  We made buses to go with the song "The Wheels on the Bus!"  We also did a backpack glyph!
In the afternoon we were off to Rhyming Land!  We enjoyed packing up our bag for rhyming land and putting in objects that went with each rhyme.  We also had fun with the rhyme "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep."  We changed the color of the sheep and the number of bags.   

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