Friday, October 31, 2014

Pajama Party

What a great way to end our week!  The kiddos had a blast with our pajama day!  There were not enough minutes in the day to get everything done!  We will complete a few activities next week that we did not get to today!  Below are a few snapshots of our day!

 We began our morning with an Erase-Away game!  There was a witch on our board and we had to listen to sentences and pick out the rhyming word.  We then got to erase that part off of our witch.  The kids loved it!

After reading Goodnight Moon we did another fun rhyming game where the kids had to sleep if the words did not rhyme and wake up if the words did rhyme!

Finally it was time for a brain break!  We danced with our nighttime buddies to the "Monster Mash!"

We worked on our language centers next.  After that we partnered up and read books from our book boxes using flashlights!  What fun!

Next, we read the story: The Napping House.  We loved snoring like the granny!  After this we created our own take home version of the story! Have your kiddo retell you the story sometime this weekend!

Here are our nighttime friends taking a break!

And before lunch we did some cooking!  The kiddos loved making their own creepy spider snack to eat with our movie!

We ended our day with our snack and a movie!  We did not get to our math activities or the pillow fights :(  But we will put those activities in sometime next week!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkin Guts

We finished up our pumpkin unit by cleaning out our pumpkin and getting it ready to carve!  The kiddos enjoyed helping scoop out the guts and seeds!  We also made estimates about the pumpkin seeds in our pumpkin book.  Check out your child's book to see how many there were!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pumpkin Activities

Here are a few snapshots of our pumpkin life cycle project that we worked on last week.  The kiddos had a huge project to complete, but they enjoyed it! I hope they were able to bring it home and retell you how a pumpkin grows.

Today, we put our pumpkin poem in our poetry journal.  When we work on a poem during our theme study we work on reading left to right, we use our reading finger to point to the words, and we practice sight words!  The kiddos love to go back and read our old poems.  They will have a huge collection at the end of the school year.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Writer's Workshop!

The kindernoodles are LOVING writer's workshop!  At this point in the year we are simply learning that we are all writers!  We all have great information that we want to share and we can do that through writing!  We are also learning that writers are never done.  Below is the chart we have created to help us remember what we can do if we think we are done with a piece of writing.

The next step in writing that we are beginning is to start creating and writing books! The kiddos are really excited to start this new adventure!

Spiders...take 2!

 Today we focused on how spiders eat and what they eat! We did a cool science experiment to see how a spider's venom breaks down a bug's body!  We used sugar cubes for the bug and warm water for the spider's body!  Ask your child what happened to the sugar cube!

We also talked about the life cycle of the spider.  We learned that spiders hatch from eggs.  We also learned that spiders molt as they grow bigger!  We created some cool spider hats with the life cycle on them!

Our final activity was to create our own spider web!  The kindernoodles shared what they have learned about spiders this week so far.  As they shared we tossed a ball of yarn back and forth to each other.  After we created our web, we did a sort on the things a spider would eat!

Spider Week

Our theme study this week is SPIDERS!  On Monday we started off with a graph.  The question was: Would you sit by a spider?   And as you can see, most friends WOULD sit by a spider!

On Tuesday we started to talk about the parts of the spider!   And created labels to go on our giant spider poster!  

Later, the students went to the tables and labeled their own spiders!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Saying Good-Bye!

Today was Mrs. Faas' last day of her student teaching experience in our classroom!  The kiddos and I worked hard on creating a book for her.  I also had them help me create a thumbprint bag for her as well.  We have so enjoyed our time with her and wish her well with her next classroom experience!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Labeling Nouns/Fire Station

This post is one day late!   

Our focus this week is all about using nouns to name things and animals.  So, Mrs. Faas had the students get up and walk around the room and label everything they could with post it notes!  The kids had a blast sticking notes everywhere!  They worked very hard to write down the sounds they heard in the words.  What a fun way to practice naming things!

In the afternoon we read a story on fire safety and created fire dog hats for our trip to the fire station!

Then we were off to the fire station!  The kiddos had a blast seeing all the trucks and gear.

Here are a few group shots of all our friends in their fire dog hats!

And one last picture with Mrs. Faas!  This is her last week with us!  We are going to miss her!